A Detailed Insight Before You Kick-start Your Care

A Detailed Insight Before You Kick-start Your Career as an Android App Developer

Date:Sat, 01/Jan/2022

The market is getting competitive. The demand for technology experts is on the rise. In such a scenario, you can always upscale your skills. Android apps are the world's most popular mobile system. Every day a significant number of apps get released in Google Play Store by Android developers from across the globe. Our mobile app development course Modolpara gets the upper hand over Android app development.

As a budding learner, you'll come across a deluge of questions in your mind. In this blog, we'll specify each area precisely. Remember, there are several responsibilities of an app developer, and app design and building its functionality are the core.

Technical understandings

Java Savvy

When enrolling in the mobile app development course Mondolpara,we'll guide you in the app's official languages: Kotlin or Java Programming Language. You should gain mastery of concepts including variables, apps and lists, and Object-Oriented Fundamentals.

SDK kit concepts

Android developers should be conversant with Android Developer Kit, i.e., SDK Kit

  • Basics of views, view groups, and layout
  • User input
  • Data storage
  • Action bars
  • Responsive design
  • Data collection

SQL knowledge

Apps need to store data in some form or the other. The app needs to get merged with a database for seamless management. Hence it's evident that companies are looking for skilled android developers with relative skills in SQL. This helps increase your chances of getting hired.

Knowledge of GIT

Our mobile app development course, Mondolpara, includes working knowledge of GIT. While it's not essential to be an expert, a developer must know about creating and using repositories and committing changes. This comes in handy when you work on the Android app development process.

XML Basics

As a developer, you must have skills in handling XML(Extensible Markup Language). It's used in the development of web solutions. The essential requirement in the Android developer's arsenal is the knowledge to access web data and further transfer it to web services and vice versa.

Android app development, a promising career

Android has become a significant part of our daily activities. Most people today own a smartphone. There are a considerable number of opportunities for developers; as a result, joining the mobile app development course Mondolpara is the best solution for you in the long run.

Android app development is a fast-growing sector. The projected growth here is something beyond comparison. It's best to join an institution that offers expert guidance.

Why V1 Academy?

At V1 Academy, we're a team of professionals. We're here to improve your technical skills. Our mobile app development course covers the latest topic. However, we start the course from scratch so that you can utilize your learning skills comprehensively. Upon successful completion of the course, we provide global certification.


In this technologically advanced world, knowledge is the key to success. We have a team of dedicated experts who can help you explore career opportunities. Join our course today and kick-start your career as an expert.